

5 Types of Car Hobbyists

There are so many things you can do with your love of cars. These machines are a source of endless fascination. You can spend the rest of your life studying them and still find new things to admire. If you feel like spending more time with or around cars, there are lots of ways to turn them into productive, meaningful hobbies. Consider showing off your love of automobiles with these popular car hobbies.

Car Hobbyists

Rebuilding and Restoration

Every car is made up of tens of thousands of individual parts that need to be replaced and maintained over time and it’s important to know where and how to buy quality car and diesel truck parts. Without proper lubrication and insulation, any vehicle will wither away into a pile of rust until they have to drag it away to the junkyard. If you own or have access to an old car, you can always spend your time rebuilding the model from scratch to turn it into a brand-new rip-roaring machine or restore the car to its original glory. Both require a great deal of knowledge and access to a wide range of replacement parts. 

You first need to dissemble the engine and inspect the parts you have. Most will need to be replaced outright but some may get by with a thorough cleaning. Soak rusted or worn metal parts in an acid bath. Parts with rusted chrome need to be stripped clean and re-chromed. Then you’ll need to reassemble the engine with new parts and recalibrate them to make sure they have been installed properly. Experts say the entire process can take up to 100 working hours or more. 


The cost ranges dramatically based on the number of parts needed and the overall condition of the car. You can find an old model by asking for friends and family or by visiting the local junkyard to see what’s lying around. A bare chassis can cost as little as $100, but the restoration process can easily exceed $2,500 just to get a somewhat drivable car. The parts alone could easily cost $10,000 or more. 

car parts

Diesel engines tend to be harder to restore than regular gasoline-powered cars, considering the complexity of the combustion process. The fluids running through the engine need to stay at the proper temperature and pressure to properly fire the engine. You can save money on shipping by ordering all your diesel truck parts online at the same location. Every diesel engine also needs a working exhaust gas temperature (EGT) sensor to monitor the temperature of the exhaust gas. This small part can easily break down over time or lose accuracy, which will spell trouble for the engine. If the exhaust gas gets too hot, it will decrease fuel efficiency and overheat the engine, leading to more costly repairs. Be sure to replace the EGT sensor as needed to help the vehicle monitor its own exhaust.

Car Racing 

You can always turn an older vehicle into a super-powered racing machine. Once you’ve modified your vehicle to increase acceleration and speed without damaging the engine, you can show off your new creation by entering it in a local race. Racing events take place all over the country but they vary widely in terms of the rules of the game. Some races aren’t for the faint of heart, and your vehicle may take a beating as a result. Some events have protections in place, but others can feel like the wild, wild west. Consider what type of terrain you want to drive on and wear the proper safety equipment behind the wheel, including pads and a helmet, to protect yourself from injury.

Car Racing


If you have a gorgeous car, consider taking photos of it instead of running it through the mud. You’ll need a nice camera to capture the car from various angles and in different locations. Consider driving the car to a scenic location, such as the beach or a vista overlooking the horizon. You can also haul it with a truck to keep it in mint condition if you don’t feel like driving. Create your own calendars, posters, and fliers. Your car will also live on in perpetuity now that you’ve captured it in a photo.

Attending and Participating in Car Shows 

You’re bound to meet lots of fellow motorheads at a car show. There are dozens of high-profile events taking place all over the country. Consider entering one of your prized possessions into the show to create an audience for your work. You can also stock up on parts, learn more about the latest restoration techniques and see some classic makes/models up close and in person. 

Social Media Tips and Tricks

We live in the digital age, so why not share your car-related content on social media to gain even more of a following? Car lovers have staked out their own corner of the internet on apps like TikTok, Instagram, and Twitter. You can share tips on fixing cars by making tutorials, documenting your travels, or documenting the restoration process for posterity. It’s free to set up an account. All you need is an idea and a willingness to learn.

Consider incorporating these car hobbies into your daily routine to turn your passion into a full-blown obsession. 

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